Welcome to the Headwaters!

We hope to be able to welcome you to a physical space in the future, but for now, it felt necessary to at least document the work we are doing in a digital space.

Wait—what work are you doing? 

We are so glad you asked! In late 2021, we purchased a beautiful tract of forest on Anishinabewaki land near the headwaters of the Baptism River in Finland, MN.

First, we build a home. Four walls and a roof. Simple enough (wink, wink). From there, we will build a business.

We truthfully don’t know what exactly this business will look like. It might be guiding fly fishing trips, putting on writing retreats, shepherding a flock of forest sheep, housing weary travelers on their way out of the Boundary Waters, hosting artist residencies, none of the above, or all of the above.

What we do know (or what we assume we know, because what we’ve learned, if anything, is that we know very little in this grand adventure!) is that we will eventually need a website.

So this is that. It’s a humble blog for now.
Read the latest musings! ⇒

See more on our Instagram!